MicroFlow TOUCH

MicroFlow TOUCH

Fully automatic fiber blowing machine that secures fast and reliable optical fiber blowing. Designed for air blown fiber and small fiber optic cables.

Fiber/Cable OD: 0.8-6.5 mm

Duct size OD: 4-16 mm

Preparation time: 5 min

Blowing distance: up to 2500 m

User-friendly touch display
The Microflow Touch’s control unit has a user-friendly touch display, which can be used to make a number of different adjustments.

Equipped with a unique protection technology
The unique protection technology that stops the machine if the fiber cable meets resistance. Any obstacles are registered by a sensor and the motor stops.
The machine will also stop automatically if the motor exceeds the preset maximum torque level. In both cases, the machine stops immediately so the fiber cable does not get damaged.

Present automatic stop
The control unit can be used to presetting distance counter to stop after a certain blowing distance, making it possible to work alone.

View machine accessories
Filter and water separator 103-181204001
Lubrication, FlowLUB 5000 (12. pcs.) 101-30531
Valve for reverse airflow Different variants
3/8 air hose (10 m) with cejn-couplings 103-30155
Adaptor (Claw to cejn-coupling) 103-30154
Blowing tips Different variants

Mandatory parts for machine usage

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